Saving Money in the New Year

Wise Loan Editorial Team
By: Wise Loan Editorial Team
coins sit in front of a calendar

How to Boost Your Savings in the Upcoming Year

If 2016 wasn’t financially fruitful for you, now’s the perfect opportunity to embark on a fresh financial journey in 2017. Crafting a New Year’s resolution list can be incredibly beneficial, especially if your aim is to save money and adopt better financial habits. Here’s a collection of suggestions and insights that should hopefully guide you toward more significant savings for the New Year!

1: Get Organized with a Calendar

Purchase a calendar to enhance your organizational skills. List your bills, track your weekly income and expenses, allowing you to gain a visual understanding of your spending habits. Jotting down bill due dates and making incremental contributions throughout the week can make you more punctual and reduce the stress of last-minute payments.

2: Harness the Power of Small Savings

Collect your spare change in a sizable jar and watch it accumulate throughout the year. Surprisingly, change can grow rapidly when consistently added. Even setting aside just an extra five dollars from your weekly wallet can lead to substantial savings when deposited into your bank account by year’s end.

3: Prioritize Essential Spending

Commit to purchasing only what you genuinely need. Bid farewell to impulsive shopping sprees and concentrate on essential purchases. Opting for take-out meals, for example, can strain your budget unnecessarily, while preparing homemade, healthier meals can save you money. Be mindful of seemingly small expenses, like buying a shirt each week, as they add up over time; being aware of these spending patterns can lead to significant savings.

Saving Money in the New Year

4: Break Free from Costly Habits

Costly vices, such as smoking, can drain your finances. The New Year is an excellent time to consider breaking free from such habits. The money saved from quitting smoking, depending on your frequency, could amount to a considerable sum every month.

5: Monitor Your Progress

Maintain a detailed record of your weekly earnings, dividing your paycheck into distinct categories like bills, groceries, and miscellaneous expenses. This practice may seem insignificant initially but can make a substantial difference over time, leading to better financial management.

These tips have proven effective for numerous individuals seeking financial improvement. Leave behind the old habits that hindered you in 2016 and embrace fresh strategies to ensure a smoother financial journey in 2017. Wishing you a prosperous New Year from Wise Loan!

The recommendations contained in this article are designed for informational purposes only.  Essential Lending DBA Wise Loan does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided in this article; is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or misrepresentations; and is not responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken as a result of the information provided above.

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Wise Loan Editorial Team

Wise Loan Editorial Team

Introducing the Wise Loan Editorial Team – a collective of experienced finance and credit professionals dedicated to enhancing your financial path. Our team boasts over three decades of expertise in the finance sector, united in our commitment to deliver reliable and practical financial insights. True to the Wise Loan ethos, our goal is to positively impact the financial well-being of our customers.

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